FilterĀ Licensed Objects
A handy tip for when you want to export all the NAV Objects you can in text format but you keep gettingĀ licence permission errors when hitting objects out of your licence range (third-party add-ins for instance).
The Lock function in the NAV Development Environment allows you to lock an object to stop other developers modifying objects you’re currently working on. Why am I telling you this? Well, a nice little feature of Lock is it will only lock Objects in the current licence range… Thus, If you select all objects from the Object Designer and invoke the Lock function (File->Lock or Ctrl+Alt+L) you can now filter on all locked objects.
Finding Unlicensed Objects
Tip #2: You want to test a NAV licence against the Objects in a database. In the NAV Development Environment change the licence to the one you wish to test and attempt to lock all objects (as described above). Filtering on the Objects where locked = No will give you a list of all unlicensed Objects.
Happy locking!